Daniels Dancing Academy dance school located in Kenilworth, Warwickshire


Ballet Uniform for Exam and Class
Ballet - Rosettes & Pre-Juvenile Group Award
royal blue leotard & skirt, pink or white ankle ballet socks, ballet shoes with elastics.
Hairstyle - neatly off face in pony tail or bunches with white or blue ribbons. Note, fringes must not cover eyebrows.
Ballet - Preparatory - Grade 1
royal blue leotard & skirt, regulation pink ballet ankle socks, ballet shoes with elastics
Ballet - Grade 2 - Major Performers Awards
royal blue /navy blue/black leotard (from Gr 5) regulation pink ballet tights, ballet shoes with elastics, ribbons may be worn from Gr 6 onwards.
Ankle/leg warmers or warm-up pants may be worn before class only.
Hairstyle - 2 plaits crossed overhead with white ribbons or bun from Grade 3. Short hair worn with hairnet & pink headband. No fringes allowed.
Please ensure ballet shoes are fitted and elastics or ribbons are sewn on correctly. See diagram or ask your teacher.