Daniels Dancing Academy dance school located in Kenilworth, Warwickshire


About Daniels Dancing Academy
The Academy is located at Abbey Hill Reformed Church, Abbey Hill, Kenilworth.
Principal, Vicki Daniels was trained at Grandison College, Croydon and Pattisons Theatre Arts, Coventry. She gained teaching qualifications in all Theatre subjects, Ballroom and Drama and taught at Pattisons Theatre Arts for 12 years before establishing Daniels Dancing Academy in 1989.
The Academy caters for children as young as three to senior citizens.
Care is taken to develop technique, presentation, musicality and self-confidence in a fun, yet disciplined environment. Pupils are taught in small classes allowing for individual attention in a learning environment.
Frequent exam sessions are held through the largest recognised examining body, the I.D.T.A. (International Dance Teachers Association) and elocution & acting exams through L.A.M.D.A. (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art).